keyword | default | description |
homehomehomeenabled | 0 | Allow players to say 'homehomehome' to go home |
walkspeed | 6 | Parameter for the anti-speedhack feature. |
walktime | 1000 | Parameter for the anti-speedhack feature. |
runtime | 1000 | Parameter for the anti-speedhack feature. |
runspeed | 10 | Parameter for the anti-speedhack feature. |
yellowivulnames | 1 | Show name of invulnerable characters in yellow. |
badmsgdisc | 1 | Disconnect characters when client sends an unrecognized message |
AllowHarmSelf | 0 | Allow players to harm themselves. |
PickupCount | 2 | undocumented |
PickupTime | 500 | undocumented |
FizzleMageryCastFix | 1 | undocumented |
RubberBandingFix | 1 | undocumented |
KPatchColorSysMessage | 1 | Allow extended syntax for MESSAGE/SYSMESSAGE: SYSMESSAGE @decimal color Text to display in colour SYSMESSAGE @filename Text to print to file (no text clears file) SYSMESSAGE @c Text to print to console. |
KPatchLogOut | 1 | undocumented |
KPatchTriggers | 1 | undocumented |
KPatchTags | 1 | undocumented |
KillRegionStep | 1 | undocumented |
AllowNewProf | 1 | undocumented |
DisableSubBagSell | 1 | undocumented |
ItemPickupEnabled | 1 | undocumented |
SpeedHackEnabled | 1 | undocumented |
PetsFollowGates | 1 | undocumented |
LightFix | 1 | undocumented |
KillLog | 1 | undocumented |
TestLR | 1 | undocumented |
idStoneWall | 0x80 | ID of the item to use with the Stone-wall spell |
idFireWallNS | 0x3996 | ID of the item to use with the Fire-field spell (North-South) |
idFireWallEW | 0x398c | ID of the item to use with the Fire-field spell (East-West) |
idPoisonWallNS | 0x3920 | ID of the item to use with the Poison-field spell (North-South) |
idPoisonWallEW | 0x3915 | ID of the item to use with the Poison-field spell (East-West) |
idParalyzeWallNS | 0x3979 | ID of the item to use with the Paralyze-field spell (North-South) |
idParalyzeWallEW | 0x3967 | ID of the item to use with the Paralyze-field spell (East-West) |
idEnergyWallNS | 0x3956 | ID of the item to use with the Energu-field spell (North-South) |
idEnergyWallEW | 0x3947 | ID of the item to use with the Energu-field spell (East-West) |